1 interesting facts – 99Viral https://99viral.com Amazing Stories. Beautiful Pictures. Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:09:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.14 99 True Facts That Sound Like Big Lies But Are Completely True https://99viral.com/99-true-facts-that-sound-big-lies-but-are-completely-true/ https://99viral.com/99-true-facts-that-sound-big-lies-but-are-completely-true/#respond Fri, 21 Mar 2014 01:54:16 +0000 http://99viral.com/?p=482 1. During WWII, the United States created a bomb that used bats. The bats carried small charges that released charges from the bomb, which caused them to fly and scatter to various buildings. The charges were then detonated and set the building on fire.

2. Scratch the inside of your ear with your ear and it will sound like Pac-Man.

3. Martin Luther King Jr., Anne Frank, and Barbara Walters were all born in 1929.

4. Russia is larger than Pluto. The surface area of Pluto is 16.7×10^6 km^2 and the surface area of Russia is 17.1×10^6 km^2.

5. The YKK letters on your zipper stands for “Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha.”

6. Pineapples grow like this from the ground like:


7. The closest United States state to Africa is Maine.

8. If you melted the iron of the Eiffel Tower, you would have less than 3 inches of iron in a square mile of the same dimensions as the base of the tower.

9. Shakespeare created the name Jessica in the play Merchant of Venice.

10. Mammoths were actually on the earth during the time the Egyptians finished building the Great Pyramid and did not become extinct for another 1,000 years.

11. The Blue whale heart is so large; a human can swim through the arteries.

12. Cleopatra lived farther away from the building of the Great Pyramid than the invention of the iPhone.

13. The Wonder Years was on TV from 1988 to 1993 and showed life during 1968 to 1973. If a similar show were created today, it would show life from 1994 to 1999.

14. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.

15. John Tyler who was the 10th president of the United States has a grandson who is alive today.

16. If an atom happened to be the same size as our solar system, a neutrino would be the size of a golf ball, if you look at it to scale.

17. Honey never spoils or goes bad. Yes, you can actually eat 32,000-year-old honey.


18. There are around 1.6 million ants for each human on the earth. The accumulated weight of these ants is about the same as the weight of the humans on the earth.

19. Every two minutes around the world, we take more pictures than during the 19th century.

20. One glass of water has more atoms than all glasses of water in all the oceans on the earth.

21. When you spell “dog food lid” backwards it is “dildo of God.”

22. Turtles can breathe out of their butts due to the development of picking up oxygen even when submerged.

23. There is a 100% probability that when you drink a glass water it will contain a molecule that passed through a dinosaur.

24.  The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn.

25. Gliese 436 b is a planet covered in burning ice and it is not dry ice. It is actually ice that is very hot. The surface if the planet stays at 800ºF, but the ice stays as ice, due to the gravity of the planet is so powerful that it compresses all of the water vapor into a solid state.

Gliese 436 b

26. Finland and North Korea are separated by one country, which is Russia.

27. If you could shrink the sun to the size of white blood cell and then shrink the Milky Way Galaxy using the same scale it would be the size of the United State not counting Hawaii and Alaska.

28. Duck Hunt is actually a two-player game with player two controlling the ducks.

29. The Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does not mention at all that he’s an egg.

30. Your skin will be heated to 28,000 degrees Centigrade if you are struck by lightening which is hotter than the Sun’s surface.

31. Saudi Arabia does not have any of its own camels but imports them from Australia.

32. In the United States, 98% of all paper contains traces of cocaine.

33. When the first Star Wars films came to the big screen, France was still executing people with a guillotine.

34. Armadillos usually give birth to identical quadruplets.

35. Betty White is older than the invention of sliced bread.

betty white

36. There are more public libraries in the United States than McDonald’s.

37. Every day, your body sheds 10 billion skin flakes.

38. An octopus has three hearts.

39. Mario does not use his head to hit blocks, but raises his hand to hit the blocks.

40. Mr. Crumm invented potato crisps.

41. A mule cannot sink into quicksand, but a donkey can.

42. Hippo milk is pink.


43. A banana is a berry but a strawberry is not.

44. avocados and watermelon are berries.

45. Rome, Italy is not as far south as New York City.

46. There are less real flamingos in the world than fake flamingos.

47. In 1889, Nintendo was founded as a trading card company.

48. The voice of Fry on Futurama and Doug on Doug are the same person, Billy West.

49. If you folded a piece of paper 42 times, it would reach the moon.

50. The pyramids were as old to the Romans as the Romans are to us.

51. If you dug a hole all the way to the center of the Earth and dropped a book into the hole, it would take 42 minutes to reach the bottom.

52. Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

53. Woody from Toy Story full name is Woody Pride.

54. Mr. Clean’s full name is Veritably Clean.

55. Cookie Monster’s real name is Sid.

56. Carrots were originally purple and not orange.

57. The last time the Chicago Cubs won the world series, Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, and New Mexico were not states.

58. Alaska is the most northern, the most western, and the most eastern state in the United States.

59. A shark is twice as unlikely to kill you as vending machines.

60. Home Alone was released closer to the landing on the moon than it was to today.

61. Robin Mahfood is the name of the CEO of Food For The Poor.

62. One baby out of 5,000 born has a condition known as “imperforate anus.” This means the infant is born without an anus and one has to be created manually at the time of birth in the hospital.

63. You cannot hum and hold your nose.

64. It rains diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn.

65. If Jupiter were close to use like the moon, you would see this:


66. The last time the baseball Word Series was won by Chicago Cubs, the Ottoman Empire still existed.

67. The last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series; lollipops had not yet been invented.

68. The last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, women did not have the right to vote in the United States.

69. A thousand seconds is close to 16 minutes.

70. A million seconds is close to 11 days.

71. A billion seconds is close to 32 years.

72. A trillion seconds is around 32,000 years.

73. Peanuts are legumes and not nuts.

74. The dot over an “i” is called a “tittle and not a dot.”

75. The human body has 10 times more bacteria than actual body cells.

76. 90% of the cells that make up our bodies are not human but mainly bacteria and fungi.

77. Every time you sneeze, your heart stops 1 second.

78. The time between the T Rex and Stegosaurus lived is larger then the time between now and the T Rex.

79. From the time Pluto was discovered until it was declassified as a planet it did not make a full orbit around the sun.

80. There are less grains of sand on all the beaches on the earth than there are stars in space.

81. There is enough water in Lake Superior to cover North and South America in one foot of water.

82. Will Smith is now older than Uncle Phil was at the beginning of The Fresh Prince.

83. Humans share half of their DNA with bananas.

84. Sand looks like this under a microscope:


85. When the oldest person on the Earth was born, there was a different set of humans on the planet.

86. When you were born, you were the youngest person in the entire world at least for a half second.

87. Anosognosia is condition caused from a stroke or brain that leaves them with disability and the inability to realize they have a disability such as not being able to move their arm. However, if you squirt cold water into the left ear, they will realize the disability for close to 10 minutes.

88. On February 14th, 1884, when Theodore Roosevelt was 25 years old, he was with his mother when she died of typhoid fever. He then proceeded upstairs to be his wife who died while giving birth an hour after his mother passed away.


89. Lightning strikes occur from the ground up.

90. Fish don’t drink water; at least freshwater fish do not drink water.

91. If you drop a raisin into a glass of fresh champagne, it will bounce from bottom to top of the glass for several minutes.

92. The male seahorse gets pregnant and gives birth.

93. Cats can’t see in total darkness. They can see in very dim light.

94. Mars is a large butterscotch color planet.

95. There are only 46 states in the United States as four are actually commonwealths.

96. The most toxic substance known in the world is botulinum toxin. Yes, this is what is used to create that young looking skin.

97. This is not a forest! This is actually one tree known as the Banyan Tree.

banyan tree

98. Alpine Ibex can climb the sheer face of a dam.

Alpine Ibex

99. The United State lost a nuclear bomb off the swampy coast of Georgia in 1958.


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14 Mind-Blowing Facts That Will Completely Change Your Perception Of Time https://99viral.com/14-mind-blowing-facts-that-will-completely-change-your-perception-of-time/ https://99viral.com/14-mind-blowing-facts-that-will-completely-change-your-perception-of-time/#respond Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:09:58 +0000 http://99viral.com/?p=270 1. France was still executing people by guillotine when Star Wars came out.

1. France was still executing people by guillotine when Star Wars came out.
Star Wars premiered in theatres in May 1977. The last execution by guillotine took place September 10th of the same year.

2. There was more time between the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex than between Tyrannosaurus Rex and you.

2. There was more time between the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex than between Tyrannosaurus Rex and you.
The Stegosaurus lived ~150 million years ago, while the T-Rex lived only ~65 million years ago. Practically yesterday.

3. Will Smith is now older than Uncle Phil was at the beginning of “The Fresh Prince”

3. Will Smith is now older than Uncle Phil was at the beginning of "The Fresh Prince"
When James Avery (Uncle Phil) started on The Fresh Prince, he was 45-years old. Today, Will Smith is a slightly older 45.

4. The first pyramids were built while the woolly mammoth was still alive.

4. The first pyramids were built while the wolly mammoth was still alive.
While most mammoths died out 10,000 years ago, a small population survived until 1650 BC. By that point, Egypt was halfway through its empire, and the Giza Pyramids were already 1000 years old.

5. Cleopatra lived closer to the building of Pizza Hut than the pyramids.

5. Cleopatra lived closer to the building of Pizza Hut than the pyramids.
The Great Pyramids was built cerca 2560 BC, while Cleopatra lived around 30 BC. The first Pizza Hut opened 1958, which is about 500 years closer.

6. Betty White is older than sliced bread.

6. Betty White is older than sliced bread.
Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented sliced bead in 1928, while Betty White was born in 1922. Bread had existed prior, just not the pre-sliced form.

7. Harvard University was founded before there was even calculus.

7. Harvard University was founded before there was even calculus.
Harvard is the oldest higher education institution in the US, founded in 16 36. Calculus wasn’t derived until later in the 17th century, with the work of Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton.

8. The last time the Chicago Cubs won a World Series, women were not allowed to vote.

8. The last time the Chicago Cubs won a World Series, women were not allowed to vote
The infamous cold streak by the Chicago Cubs baseball team extends back to 1908, when they won their second World Series. Women in the US acquired the vote in 1920.

9. The fax machine was invented the same year people were traveling the Oregon Trail.

9. The fax machine was invented the same year people were traveling the Oregon Trail.
The first fact machine was developed by Alexander Bain in 1843, meanwhile The Great Migration begain across America.

10. The jewelry company Tiffany & Co. has been around longer than Italy.

10. The jewelry company Tiffany & Co. has been around longer than Italy.
Charles Lewis Tiffany and John B. Young founded Tiffany & Young in 1837, while Italy didn’t become a country until 1861.

11. John Tyler, America’s 10th President, still has two living grandchildren.

11. John Tyler, America's 10th President, still has two living grandchildren.
John Tyler served from 1841 to 1845, a full 20 years before Abraham Lincoln. He had a son, Lyon, at age 63. Lyon would have Lyon Jr. and Harrison at 71 and 75, respectively. Both are still alive today and in their 80’s.

12. When Warner Brothers formed, the Ottoman Empire was still a thing.

12. When Warner Brothers formed, the Ottoman Empire was still a thing.
Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack Warner opened their first theater, the Cascade, in New Castle, Pennsylvania in 1903. Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire spanned from 1299 to 1923, when Turkey became an independent Nation.

13. Turn your TV to a dead station, and ~1% of the static is left over radiation from the Big Bang.

13. Turn your TV to a dead station, and ~1% of the static is left over radiation from the Big Bang.
You are literally witnessing the aftermath of the creation of the universe.

14. If the history of Earth were compressed to a single year, Modern humans would appear on December 31st at about 11:00pm.

14. If the history of Earth were compressed to a single year, Modern humans would appear on December 31st at about 11:00pm.

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