1 Alcohol: Know Your Limits – 99Viral https://99viral.com Amazing Stories. Beautiful Pictures. Tue, 22 Apr 2014 04:06:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.14 50 Things You May Have Not Been Taught But Need To Know – Part 2 https://99viral.com/50-things-you-may-have-not-been-taught-but-need-to-know-part-2/ https://99viral.com/50-things-you-may-have-not-been-taught-but-need-to-know-part-2/#respond Mon, 21 Apr 2014 21:07:47 +0000 http://99viral.com/?p=556 Click here for 50 Things You May Have Not Been Taught But Need To Know – Part 1

You are not born knowing everything there is to know. Social skills are not necessarily born within us and many times, no one considers that there are things we all need to know when interacting with others. Check out Part 2 of our series and learn more things you need to know that you may have never been taught.

Basic Social Skills

20. Hold a Baby – Being a new parent is a wonderful thing; however, if you are not sure how to hold the baby, you may feel very awkward at first.

21. End a Date Without Promising Another OneYou had a nice time, but you are not sure if you want to make a commitment to go out again. You should not feel any pressure to make on the spot decisions for the next time you will go out.

22. Tell when Someone is Lying – Everyone tells little white lies and then there are those that tell outrageous ones.

23. Make a Good First Impression – This often makes or breaks the deal whether for a job or a relationship.


24. Be a Respectful House Guest – Being respectful of others and their home is the best way to be invited back again.

25. Flirt correctly – Flirting is kind of an art. You do not want to look stupid just as much as you want the other person to know you are flirting.

26. How to be Photogenic – When people get together, out comes the camera. Learn to smile successfully for that picture.

27. Give Public Speech – There comes a time in everyone’s life that you must speak in public, whether at a meeting or just in front of a group of friends.

28. Listen to Others – The art of listening is very important as you may miss something important.

29. Negotiate – Many different circumstances need a good negotiator.

30. Give a Compliment – Everyone enjoys compliments for a job well done or even saying you like their outfit.

31. Give Directions – When someone is lost, they do not want directions like go to the end of the road by Farmer Johns, turn, when you see that faded orange sign you turn again and you are there.

32. Talk to the Police – If you are stopped by the police, your actions speak louder than words.

33. Remember Names – Do you hate forgetting names and then feeling embarrassed when you meet again.

34. Deliver Bad News – There may come a day when you must give someone some bad news.

35. Do well in a Job Interview – Worrying over the initial interview and being all worked up is not the best impression.

36. Tell an Interesting Story – You must learn how to tell a story so your audience will hang on every word.

37. Win a Fistfight – Hope you never need this one.

Basic Modern Technology Skills

38. Use a Computer – Basic computer knowledge is important today just to stay in touch with family and friends.

39. Use Google Smartly – Google knows everything. If you use a computer, you have to know your way around all the Google tools.

40. Basic Security Measures for your ComputerJust learning a few security measures will help you stop viruses as well as stopping others from getting into your computer.

41. How to Text Message – If you do not know how to use your cell phone to text message, then you may never hear from your grandkids.

42. Know Basic Texting Terms – Now, that you know how to text, you had better know a few basic texting terms or you will understand when your granddaughter texts you “L8R IRL”.

Personal Enrichment Skills

43. Manage Time – too much to do and not enough time?

44. Speed Read – If you just want to find certain information, you do not want to read the entire book or paper.

45. Moving to a New Area – Moving even across town can be a challenging endeavor.

46. Pack Light – Too many times you over pack and then end up paying more for your extra baggage.

47. When Enough Alcohol is Enough – You do not want to wind up in jail or wake up in a dark alley where you passed out.

48. Make a Budget – this is something everyone needs to know or you may spend more out on the town and not be able to pay your internet bill.

49. Take Notes – Writing down a note and then not understanding it can be useless.

50. Protect Your Identity – Today, you have to be careful or someone out there will find a way to steal your identity.

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